“Stephen Cross's humorous, thought-provoking, and sometimes provocative production has given the audience a window into the trials and tribulations of medical training...I consider it a must-see for students, house staff, and faculty.”
Dr. Stephen Knohl, Residency Program Director and Vice Chair for Education, Upstate Medical University.
“This is a very moving piece. I really saw and felt the trajectory of learning that happened for your student: random research assignment to visceral connection. And Caley, you are such a fine writer. I hope you continue writing. You have a fine eye for detail to go with a wide observational skill: it's a wonderful balance. Thanks greatly for bringing this to Bard. It shows the ripple effect of student effort in a beautiful way.”
P. Marienthal, Dean for Social Action, Bard College, NY.
"Yourwork at the IA conference continues to resonate and reverberate. The to-do list from our last conference-planning call gave me the happy task of trying to engage you in some work with us in advance of and during the next conference, next Oct 8-11 in Atlanta.”
Dr. Stephen Knohl, Residency Program Director and Vice Chair for Education, Upstate Medical University.